
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Wallpaper not show in End User (GPO issue)

1 week ago,  I have got inform by ITSupport. He told me that one of his windows 7 laptop did not get the wallpaper that I deploy with GPO. So I told him to do this step.

1.) Go to command prompt - Run (GPUPDATE /FORCE) command
2.) Then Run (GPRESULT /R) and check the policy name is apply the laptop or not.
3.)  If the GPO is apply, Go to the Regedit, then check on this path (HKEY_CURRENT_USER-->Control Panel --> Desktop)
4.) Within the desktop, Right panel you can see Wallpaper. add the path into the value name of Wallpaper (Note: The value name must be C:\Windows\blabla.jpg
5.) After that put picture into that path C:\Windows\ and restart the laptop.

Then you can see the wallpaper after Windows restart.

Please note: This is fastest way to solved the wallpaper problem. Sometimes, GPO is take time to effect into the user.You can do this step to saved your wallpaper file into the local drive and assign your registry to get file from local drive.


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