
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Software and Hardware Requirement of SharePoint Server 2007

1).One front-end server and one back-end server 
2).Front-end server- 2.5 GHz CPU and 2GB RAM
3).Back-end server -2.0 GHz CPU and 2.GB RAM
4).Windows 2003 (Web Edition, Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition,Data Center Edition) with Service Pack1
5).Microsoft .Net framework 2.0
6).Microsoft .Net framework 3.0
7).IIS (Internet Information Service) 6.0 or later.
8).NTFS (New Technology File System).Cannot run in FAT32(File Allocation table).
9).Microsoft SQL server 2005 or Microsoft SQL server 2000

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Fix Sharepoint Error

Failed to start the database service MSSQL$OfficeServers.  Repair this product by selecting it from the Add/Remove Programs menu.

If you get this error when you configure sharepoint product and technologies wizard.You can fix just like this:
Go to Regedit: change just like this-

(HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Shared Tools/Web Server Extensions/12.0/WSS/ServerRole) is set incorrectly.  It was set to SINGLESERVER.
I changed ServerRole’s value from SINGLESERVER to APPLICATION

Saturday, January 1, 2011

What is eseutil.exe?

  You can use the Eseutil utility to defragment the information store and directory in Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 and to defragment the information store in Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server and in Microsoft Exchange Server 2003. Eseutil examines the structure of the database tables and records (which can include reading, scanning, repairing, and defragmenting) the low level of the database (Ese.dll).
  Eseutil is located in the Winnt\System32 folder in Exchange Server 5.5 and in the Exchsrvr/Bin folder in Exchange 2000 and in Exchange 2003. The utility can run on one database at a time from the command line.